Detyra (3) Double Link List (ADT)

Programim C++ detyre, krijim dhe testing i nje double list link


Tirana Center of Technology


//written to test doubly-linked list ADT
//ItemType must have << and >> operators defined

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include “sortlist.h”
using namespace std;

template <class ItemType>
void PrintAscending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName);
//pre: list has been initialized
//  dataFile is open for output
//post: each component in list has been written to dataFile
//  dataFile is still open

template <class ItemType>
void PrintDescending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName);
//pre: list has been initialized
//  dataFile is open for output
//post: each component in list has been written, in reverse order, to dataFile
//  dataFile is still open

void DisplayMenu(int& choice);
//pre: listA and listB have been initialized
//post: displays a menu for list operations

template <class ItemType>
void Insert(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName);
//pre: list has been initialized
//     item to insert is entered by the user in the function
//post: Calls the ADT InsertItem and prints a message indicating
//      success or failure

template <class ItemType>
void Delete(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName);
//pre: list has been initialized
//     item to delete is entered by the user within the function
//post: Calls the ADT delete function and prints a message
//      indicating success or failure.

template <class ItemType>
void Retrieve(SortedType<ItemType> list);
//pre:  none
//post: prompts user for item to retrieve from list; displays message
//        indicating whether or not item was found in the list

int main()
SortedType<int> listA, listB, listC;
int choice;

while (true)
switch (choice)
case 0: return 0;

case 1:    Insert(listA, “A”);

case 2:    Insert(listB, “B”);

case 3:    Delete(listA, “A”);

case 4:    listA.MakeEmpty();

case 5:    Retrieve(listA);

case 6:    listC = listB = listA;

case 7:  listA.RemoveFirst();

case 8:  listA.RemoveLast();

case 9:    PrintAscending(cout, listA, “A”);
PrintAscending(cout, listB, “B”);
PrintAscending(cout, listC, “C”);

case 10:    PrintDescending(cout, listA, “A”);
PrintDescending(cout, listB, “B”);
PrintDescending(cout, listC, “C”);

default: return 0;

}//end switch
}//end while
}//end main

template <class ItemType>
void PrintAscending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName)
ItemType item;
int length = list.LengthIs();

if (length == 0)
dataFile << “List ” << listName << ” is empty.\n”;

dataFile << “List ” << listName << ” contains the following items:\n”;
for (int count=0; count<length; count++)
dataFile << item;
dataFile << ” “;
dataFile << endl;

template <class ItemType>
void PrintDescending(ostream& dataFile, SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName)
ItemType item;
int length = list.LengthIs();

if (length == 0)
dataFile << “List ” << listName << ” is empty.\n”;

dataFile << “List ” << listName << ” contains the following items:\n”;
for (int count=0; count<length; count++)
dataFile << item;
dataFile << ” “;
dataFile << endl;

void DisplayMenu(int& choice)
cout << “Please select from the menu.\n\n”;

cout << “1\tInsert an item to List A.\n”;
cout << “2\tInsert an item to List B.\n”;
cout << “3\tDelete an item from List A.\n”;
cout << “4\tDelete all items from List A. (Make listA empty)\n”;
cout << “5\tRetrieve an item from List A.\n”;
cout << “6\tPerform assignment: listC = listB = listA\n”;
cout << “7\tDelete first element of List A.\n”;
cout << “8\tDelete last element of List A.\n”;
cout << “9\tPrint lists in ascending order.\n”;
cout << “10\tPrint lists in descending order.\n”;
cout << “0\tExit program\n\n”;

cin >> choice;

template <class ItemType>
void Insert(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName)
ItemType item;
cout << “Please enter the item to insert: “;
cin >> item;
if (list.InsertItem(item))
cout << item << ” has been inserted into list ” << listName << “.\n”;
cout << “Unable to add ” << item << ” to ” << listName << “.\n”;

template <class ItemType>
void Delete(SortedType<ItemType>& list, string listName)
ItemType item;
cout << “Please enter the item to delete: “;
cin >> item;
if (list.DeleteItem(item))
cout << item << ” has been deleted from list ” << listName << “.\n”;
cout << item << ” was not in the list.  List has not been changed.\n”;

template <class ItemType>
void Retrieve(SortedType<ItemType> list)
ItemType item;
bool found;

cout << “Please enter the item to be retrieved:\n”;
cin >> item;
list.RetrieveItem(item, found);
if (found)
cout << item << ” was in the list.\n”;
cout << item << ” was not in the list.\n”;