This lab will test your ability to configure basic settings on a cisco switch.
1. Use the local laptop to connect to the switch console.
2. Configure Switch hostname as LOCAL-SWITCH
3. Configure the message of the day as “Unauthorized access is forbidden”
4. Configure the password for privileged mode access as “cisco”. The password must be md5 encrypted enable ….
5. Configure password encryption on the switch using the global configuration command service …
6. Configure CONSOLE access with the following settings : line console 0
– Login enabled
– Password : ciscoconsole
– Timeout : 6’45”
– Synchronous logging
6. Configure TELNET access with the following settings : line vty 0 15
– Login enabled
– Password : ciscotelnet
– Timeout : 8’20”
– Synchronous logging
7. Configure the IP address of the switch as 255………..
8. Test telnet connectivity from the Remote Laptop using the telnet client.